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Levelezési cím: 6721 Szeged,
Brüsszeli krt. 12.
Tel.: +36 30 976 0529
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 The story


he story Nes aims, story of the Foundation,1990  


Having arrenged the exhibition between Szeged and Temesvár, a new effort started in ourtown with the aim of renewing the activities, managed by Mihály Szekeres.Under the aegis of Lajos Tandi,art-writer at the local paper, it was supported by some well-known artists  /e.g. Sándor Fontos László Zombori  etc.  /  Temesvár also took part in the reorganisation.

The secreterial expose influenced the chances of democratic changes in art. /e.g. the ideas of Helsinki / There were some very active participants of the discussion, Ferenc Pataki and Mihály Cs. Pataj painters. Dr Apró Ferenc, lawyer also took a significant part in it. Károly Nagy was suggested to work as a secretary, having enough knowldge in art and law at the area.The election went on in 1990, autumn, and the local registration  also happened. The number of the group was approximately (70 members)......


  • it is not enough to work in a close group
  • chance should be given to talented but neglected artists in public shows and exhibitions
  • a common exhibition should be organised annually. 

The first step was a local application for an emblem. Kopasz Márta and Szekeres Ferenc took part in it. Szekeres Mihály, the President and  Pataki Ferenc focused on supporting the artists. Some artists became respected members, but mostly the older ones.

The young artists took part in the exhibitions but they did not want to become members. The last exhibition with the aim of supporting artists was organised in 1993. The experiences were negative. By l993 we depended on applicants quite a lot. We made an agreement with the local authority about our basic activities and an annualfinancial support of 300 000 Fts. After the new elections we were not supported for four years, we could not even cover our own financial sources.

Following this period the new local authoritiy renewd our contract until 2008, and we can rent rooms under favourable conditions.

Our most important aims at the moment are: teaching, organising exhibitions, organising art-camps. 
Fejlesztő I-Design Studio, Szeged.
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